营销软件代理_网络推广v信haotg8效果好_湖北网站建设方案详细_登封网站建设全包 Facebook当然是最早走向开放平台的代表。举个例子,一个名为“我去过哪儿”的桌面小工具在搭上了Facebook的开放平台后,短短3个月就获得了240万用户。它的功能很简单,只是在世界地图上标出用户的 旅游 历史,但是却因为能够通过Facebook的社交网络找到拥有同样旅游经历的用户,并且将这类用户的行为数据保存下来。这个桌面小工具最后被旅行网站EXpedia以300万美元的代价收购,而Facebook也因为这款小工具而用户暴增。






The Java Servlet is a technical foundation of JSP, and the large Web applies the development of the procedure to need the Java Servlet to match with with the JSP and then can complete, this name of Servlet comes from the Applet, the local translation method of now is a lot of, this book in order not to misconstruction, decide the direct adoption Servlet but don't do any translation, if reader would like to, can call it as" small service procedure". The Servlet is similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI etc. Web procedure development the function of the tool in fact, at use the Java Servlet hereafter, the customer need not use again the lowly method of CGI of efficiency, also need not use only the ability come to born page of Web of dynamic state in the method of API that a certain fixed Web server terrace circulate. Many servers of Web all support the Servlet, even not support the Servlet server of Web directly and can also pass the additional applied server and the mold pieces to support the Servlet. Receive benefit in the characteristic of the Java cross-platform, the Servlet is also a terrace irrelevant, actually, as long as match the norm of Java Servlet, the Servlet is complete to have nothing to do with terrace and is to have nothing to do with server of Web. Because the Java Servlet is internal to provide the service by the line distance, need not start a progress to the each claimses, and make use of the multi-threading mechanism can at the same time for several claim service, therefore the efficiency of Java Servlet is very high.

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