昆明网站设计哪家公司好_登录网页版qq_安徽建筑业信息平台_淮南网上在逃人员名单 PHP Left behind Children's Care Home Website


With the rapid development of the internet nowadays, its application has quickly integrated into the eyes of many left behind children's care homes in various industries, leading to the emergence of "left behind children's care home websites". This makes the left behind children's care home websites more convenient and simple for users.

For the design of this left behind children's care home website, it mainly adopts PHP language and Thinkphp framework in the background. It applies technologies such as MySQL database for dynamic programming and database learning and extensive practice. It is developed based on the current situation of the left behind children's care home website, and realizes the networked management of the left behind children's care home website according to user needs, All kinds of information are stored in an orderly manner. After entering the left behind children's care home website page, the main control interface can be operated. The system functions include homepage, public management (carousel, announcement information), user management (administrator, registered users), forum management (message board, message classification), information management (promotional news, news classification), permission management, learning resources, activity classification, promotional activities Functions such as participating in activities, personal information, and password modification.

This paper mainly discusses the development background of the left behind children's care home website. The system mainly introduces the requirements analysis and functional requirements, and conducts detailed testing and summary of the system. Specific issues include business processes, database design, and system structure. We hope to utilize advanced computer and network technologies to change the current management status of the Left Behind Children's Care Home website and improve management efficiency.

Keywords: Left behind Children's Care Home website; PHP technology; MySQL database; Thinkphp framework








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