





This paper mainly discusses how to use the Spring Boot urban housing rental management system. This system will strictly follow the software development process for each stage of work, using B/S architecture JAVA technology, object-oriented programming ideas for project development. In the introduction, the author will discuss the current background of the urban housing rental management system and the purpose of system development. The subsequent chapters will strictly follow the software development process to analyze and design the system at each stage.

The main users of the urban housing rental management system are divided into administrators, tenants, and landlords. The implementation functions include administrators: home page, rotation chart (rotation chart management), notification and announcement management (notification and announcement), resource management (housing information, information classification), system users (administrators, tenants, and landlords) Module management (housing information, household type classification, geographical classification, rental information, tenant information) and other functions; Tenant functions include: home page, notification announcement, housing information, personal account, personal collection, housing information, personal center, and rental information; Landlord functions include: home page, module management (housing information, rental information, tenant information), personal center functions, etc. Due to the comprehensive functional module design of this website, the information management process of the entire urban housing rental management system can be realized.

The use of this system can achieve the informatization of the management of the urban housing rental management system, facilitate administrators to conduct more convenient and efficient management, and improve the management efficiency of the urban housing rental management system.

Key words:Urban housing rental management system; Java language; MYSQL database; Springboot framework;

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