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文献出处:U Gretzel. The business model innovation of online travel in E-commerce environment [J]. Tourism management, 2015, 31(2): 179-188.


The business model innovation of online travel in E-commerce environment

U Gretzel


Online travel industry as the combination of tourism and the Internet, have different characteristics with the traditional tourism. In this process, the Internet is always playing an important role in the world. With the progress of the society, the Internet technology perfect fusion together with the traditional commerce, has given rise to a new economic form, namely the electronic commerce. Electronic commerce appeared was penetrated into society at an alarming rate of all walks of life, to bring all walks of life the subversive, new changes. The speeding up of the modernization process, making online travel services and online travel services business model also have different characteristics and features.

Keywords: e-commerce, online travel, business model

1 Introduction

Compared with a previous any technological revolution in the computer network is widely used for the symbol of the social impact of modern science and technology revolution in both depth and breadth is unprecedented, it is in the human into the information age also created a new industry, information technology industry. Electronic commerce if it shows strong vitality and influence, its impact on the society as a whole both in breadth and in depth are far more than any time before the scientific and technological achievements. On the one hand, it forced firms to transfer the line of sight to the traditional business constraints, across the existing competition boundaries to create a new market. On the other hand, it also create conditions for the adjustment of enterprise business model. Enterprise business model, its essence is business model design and implementation of business model of systemic framework and tools. Therefore, in this with differentiation, personalized for the demand of the mainstream market environment, companies can create, practice its strategy is

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